
Succeded! I ignored a translator.

Since I hadn’t blog at that time, messaging once again. “Hi Leonore, I’m back from a two days business trip/workshop. The theme was “Investors Aftercare”, the consultant was from Barcelona. His English was good and he looked like a nice guy. After his presentation we ended up talking about some problems in that field and then laughing. Nice experience. When any of the workshops is held, they bring a translator….

Going with misophonia details here

Again, I’ll use a part of the message I wrote to Leonore, I went into detailed description. “‘I’m in a strange mood… So perhaps I could write a bit… I’m still in the process of convincing myself that there are other people there with the same problem. I was analyzing myself trough the whole life trying to figure out why? And I figured it. At least I think I did….

Laughed and cried

This whole messaging with Leonore is a perfect intro for explaining what misophonia really is. I feel like she’s holding my hand and helping me to write about all this In one of her messages she described a lunch she had with her co-worker… “I had lunch with a co-worker and friend today. I managed to distract myself by having a crunchy salad, but then I was finished and she…

The first shared words about misophonia

The first shared words about misophonia

I’ve decided to copy the message I sent to Leonore, she introduced me to misophonia, because those are the first words I’ve ever written about misophonia and I doubt that I could write better now about my first impressions. Before I post my message, I just want to say that I feel a bit weird now, because my current feelings stopped me from this just a minute job of copying…

Legitimate freak!

I found an interesting photography forum and joined in September 2013. After a while someone posted a thread with the question “Things that grosses you out?” There were all sorts of replies and Leonore replied: “Hearing people chew. And not just the obvious open-mouth, lip-smacking kind of chewing, either. Even when someone is trying to be quiet, I can still hear it. I find it to be so disturbing that…

Welcome to my blog!

Wander around a bit, maybe you’ll find that we share some feelings and have some mutual interests. You’re more then welcome to write your opinions, agreements or disagreements, experiences and else and to ask me whatever you want to know that I could help you with. Hope I’ll see you again!