Monthly Archives: March 2014

OCD. What!?

Something in my correspondence with Sheila (comments section in the post Selectiveness of Misophonia) made me write the following. I wanted to write about this  earlier but either I didn’t have a courage or didn’t have a proper inspiration, still, here it is. First of all and just for you to know in advance, I’ll say that what I consider to be my OCD was never diagnosed by any doctor….

Selectivenes of Misophonia

Denise asked me: “Can Misophonia be selective?” My answer is “Yes. Misophonia can be selective.” As everything written here, this is just about my experience and my Misophonia. Some people are probably affected by numerous sounds produced by numerous/all people, but my Miso is extremely selective. I’m trying, for years, to comprehend criteria that my Miso takes in consideration when chooses  who will be doomed and who will be left…

Emlyn’s fMRI experience

I’ve got an e-mail from Emlyn in which she said that she wrote about her experience in participating in a fMRI Misophonia study on her blog Sense Haven This study took place in London, in February.   Everyone who wants to read about it, can read here Recounting my fMRI experience . I wanted to post her link here so that everyone who stumbles upon my blog go to hers to read…

Photographing children

Photographing children

Before I had kids I had never thought about photographing children. Really. Fast forward to present, I actually ended up photographing lots of children. Totally unplanned. It just happened. Shooting kids is fun, exhausting, but fun, if you chose to think that way. I’m talking about toddlers here, about children who can’t pose you and understand that they need to stay still because their picture is about to be taken….

Misophonia when stressed out

I’ve been very busy at my work lately so I haven’t been around here as much as I wanted to be. There was always something going on and I couldn’t manage to have some time for myself. I need some time for myself. I needed a piece of quietness. I needed a piece of  peace but I couldn’t get it on work or home these past few days. So yes,…

Proper attitude when learning

When I put myself in the position of a teacher, meaning that I am willing to share my humble knowledge  about photography and help someone in their learning process, I come across three different attitudes, let’s say, from the people who want to learn. First kind of attitude actually can’t be called as an attitude at all. It’s about learning on forums. People post their photographs for someone to critique them. To them, having…

Highly sensitive

Reading about Misophonia and experiences of other people made me realize that I’m not alone in my “refined” sensitivity. There are many of us, actually, there are majority of us, it seems, being highly sensitive. You’ll forgive me for using two terms here, oversensitive and highly sensitive. I find myself in both of those but then again, I’m not exactly everything that comes with those terms, like anyone else isn’t…