Naming the damn thing!

Yesterday I was reading some articles, blog posts, conclusion, case studies, research results and even more… of course, about Misophonia.

First of all, I’m truly and completely annoyed by the fact that someone addresses Misophonia as a mental disorder! And that particular someone obviously needs some more reading to do and more importantly to get to know people who suffer from Misophonia a bit more.

Lots of disorders are mental disorder but Miso is not one of them…. and before you call it like that try to justify why you even said it in the first place!

I get annoyed be the fact that people who aren’t really aware what is happening to us take a liberty to come to some non backed up conclusions about what it really is and maybe even more important take a liberty to interpret our own emotions in their own way making the story more “interesting to read about some strange disorder”.

All over the place are fake journalists inserting “shocking” factor to their articles and stories, with obvious accentuation on themselves as “I wrote this, I discover it” and not paying attention to what they’re really talking about. On the other hand, have you read blogs I linked on my sidebar. If you haven’t you certainly should. They know what they’re talking about and they do  it in a proper way.

There will always be numerous fake journalists/writers and what ever out there and I realize that no one can do anything about it, so this is just my moment of being pissed of once in a while about some other people who don’t know what the hell they are talking about.

If I want to look at this from a positive stand point, I would say that any kind of attention is good, I guess. The more they talk, the more people will hear… even if what they’re talking about is their own wrong interpretation.

Other thing also… speaking about Misophonia as a name for our condition… Maybe you noticed that I’m using “Miso” more then “Misophonia”, if you didn’t well, now you know. It’s because the name itself implies that we hate just certain sounds. We don’t hate just certain sounds, most of us experience visual triggers also. Yo can’t put “Hatred of certain movements” in the word Misophonia… but… we’ll see, one day they’ll probably come up with an appropriate word to call this condition.

I’m not as nearly annoyed by the name itself as opposed to calling this mental disorder,  illness and what else 

This “thing” is purely neurological and you can explain it the way you want because I know I can’t stop you but please just show some respect to the people who experience it while you explaining with your own words what is happening and what we feel!

Author Description

I love photography and learning about it. I'll try and fail that's for sure, but sometimes, I hope, I'll do good. As for the Misophonia part of the blog, I'll write honestly about my experiences and feelings, trying to help myself and others who feel the same way as I do and maybe to raise some awareness about this condition. All written here is just and only my opinion.

2 Responses to “Naming the damn thing!”

  1. Bonnie June 12, 2014 - Reply

    I could not agree more with this post! I’ve started to refer to my son’s issues as a Sensory Processing Disorder. I’ve spoken with a neurologist at UCSF who said that if the processing of one or more of the senses is involved, then this can be considered a SPD.

    I am grateful for the term “Misophonia” as this helped connect me with others that are dealing with this disorder. However, when dealing with the medical community, it sounds like a made-up name and is not recognized as a DSM.

    I also have a problem with this being called a “Mental Illness” however, if a disorder is listed as a DSM, that is technically what it is. There is such a stigma to the “Mental Illness” label. I’d like to rename Mental Illness and rebrand it. “Cognitive Disorder”? “Emotional Disturbance”?

    I’ve always felt that Miso / 4-S is a neurological disorder with a psychological component. One of my concerns is that this is being treated by Audiologists, Psychologists and Psychiatrists.

    There is some research being done on kids with SPDs out at UCSF headed by a Neurologist, Dr. Elysa Marco, which gives me hope. New imaging technology such as DTI Scans (a form of MRI)is able to see the differences in the brains and will help unlock the mystery of this disorder by establishing a biological basis.
    This gives me hope.

    • mmaria June 12, 2014 - Reply


      thank you so much for the link you provided!
      I’m also thankful to the term we’re using now because of the same reasons you mentioned but then again I would be grateful for any term that we link to this issue :) I do agree with what you said and I hope someone and someday will find an appropriate way to call this.
      Everything regarding this subject is completely out of our hand. First of all actually, they need to comprehend what Miso really is in order to put it in any kind of a group. What annoys me is when someone jumps to conclusions based on just a superficial glance to this problem.

      Either way, calling it this way or another doesn’t help us. If they cure my Miso I wouldn’t spend a minute being annoyed how they call it, neither would the rest of us, I’m sure… at least for a while :)

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