Monthly Archives: January 2014

Finding a shot

Finding a shot

I managed to arrange a couple of hours of free time on Sunday. I took my tripod, camera, CPL, car keys and left the house. As I mentioned before, I don’t have enough available time to go somewhere and to shoot something. If I had some free time, I’m limited by it and by the that exact time of the day. I’m a bit sad because of that but that’s…

Non Miso impressions

Yesterday I was chating with a  photographer whose work I really admire. I don’t know what he likes in my photography, I don’t understand why,  but he says he does like my work (let’s just believe him, shall we?). In addition of being a good photographer, he seems like a good person also. He helped me much with the advises he gave me so far. Somewhere along our interaction about…

What it really feels like

What it really feels like

Being a part of Yahoo’s supportive group made me realize that not only people who suffer from Misophonia will try to found some information about this conditions, but also the parents of the children who suffer from it, trying to understand this condition a bit better . I decided to write thoroughly about how Misophonia really feels by telling you how an ordinary day in my life looks like. Maybe it will help you understand…

Dr. Phil about Misophonia

Well, we Misophonia people are pretty much shaken with his presentation of our “disorder” or however you wish to call it. First of all, I don’t watch Dr.Phil usually, I watched this episode because Misophonia is being mentioned. Unfortunately, his interpretation of this condition has turned out to be misleading to others. In my opinion, he memorized a few text lines he found out on the web (not he, someone from his…

Being rude or Misophonia

Some Misophonia sufferers tend to see people as rude while eating no matter it’s that truly the case or not. I look at that as a sort of a defensive mechanism of their brains trying to find a valid reason to justify that strong, awful reaction they experience while others are eating and doing all kinds of “normal” activities which we can’t sand. If someone (here I primarily think of…



You know that feeling when your heart doesn’t know how to properly pump your blood even though it has been doing that without a mistake just a few seconds ago. When your throat  is acting like it’s being strangled slowly and there is no way you could swallow your own saliva without feeling that awful pressure. You want to say something ordinary to someone who is currently around you and…

Real life for some

Real life for some

  This photograph is one of my favorites so far. I hope I succeeded to tell the story about this boy.  Did I? Some photographs demand spending some time with them and truly seeing what is going on there. This is one of those photos. Every part of the photo tells the story about this boy. Where does he live? How does he live? Can you just for a second…

The naked truth about me

The naked truth about me

I want you to read my blog and come again, I want to get to know more people, but I feel obligated to tell you more about me. You need to know some things about me before you decide to spend some time here with me. That’s only fair. This is not a try at justifying myself for my behavior, actions, or my grimly look. I can’t do that, either…

No way he’s eating like this!

No way he’s eating like this!

  I got the job three months ago and it’s much better then the one I had before this one. I’m satisfied. One of the things that’s better on the new job is that I’m in the office with an intern. On my last job I shared office with three people. Women in her thirties. We didn’t match because we were so different. We get along and that’s it. In…

A part of me. Isn’t it?

A part of me. Isn’t it?

Not so long ago I sent a membership request to Sound Sensitivity support group. I found  in my Inbox their acceptance this morning and went there to check it out. Well it’s not easy to menage their message board. Need some time to figure it out. Anyway, someone posted a PDF, article about Misophonia and I’ve read it. Don’t quite follow it I must admit. This is just overwhelming for me….