Just a bit of fly fishing

Just a bit of fly fishing

Again, I had 2-3 hours free time during this Saturday. Of course, I went for a photo walk, but before  I started the car and I decided to call my husband to see where exactly he was (he, of course, was somewhere fishing) … maybe I could take a photo or two. He told me that they were just preparing to go on the other place but if I wish I could come now, on that particular place.

When I got there the four of them were already living, I managed to get a snapshot of them crossing the river, said “Hi” and they were already gone, headed to the next place, to the other river few miles from there. They told me to call my husband to hurry up. I called my husband, he said: “I’m right there, in a minute.” And he came…

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Being  a passionate fly fisher means that the words “being in a hurry” doesn’t exist in their vocabulary. Trust me on this. I waited for his “just a couple of minutes more” hundreds of time. Needless to say that those were never just a couple of minutes.

The weather was dull, overcast, with a bits of rain coming down. It suppose to be winter here, with lots of snow, but this is how our winter this year looks like… awful.

I told him that I would take just a few snapshots and asked him to not pay attention on me.

He just couldn’t walk next to the water. He had to try to cast even here and even like this…

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Another fly fisher called him to hurry up… and he did… Have I told you, that a passionate fly fisher just can’t walk by the river without casting…

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They asked why I wouldn’t come with them, I said: “Ok”

It started to rain a bit more when we got there. They were preparing. I wasn’t comfortable taking photos of others so I hold on to my husband. I did take a few shots but I wont post the here.

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and observing….

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I was just looking what to shoot before he was gone. It rained and I wasn’t sure I’ll manage to get any photos of him being in water before I’ll  have to leave.

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He went to the water and after just two minutes he caught a trout. It was too small to for being published :) He caught three trouts in 5 minutes. Just to mention that there are brown trout and grayling living in these rivers.

But then, sometimes he caught the things that he doesn’t necessarily want to catch… some branches…

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Can a camera be in the rain? Well, I had to try just a bit…

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Who else would tolerate me being so close while fishing?

A special technique… Not sure how it’s called but it has to do something with the number 8 as I can recall… Someone will recognize for sure

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I was preparing to leave him alone and he was preparing for what he’ll be using for the next cast. These are all flies he tied himself.

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Forgive me for not knowing much about fly fishing but I’ll copy here the sentence of two for a correspondence my husband had last night with another fly fisher. He asked my husband this and my husband replied that…

Question: “Are you fishing those downstream of you typically?  What is the ratio of fish that you take on dries to nymphs? “

Answer: “I mostly fish upstream with sizes 14-20 on longer distance or however you said that correctly, but you know what I mean. On shorter distances I do high stick nymphing with larger flies sizes 6-12….”

That’s enough for my blog, they’ll be speaking in details :)

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It was raining, I was wet, I decided to go around a bit to find something else to shoot.

After a while, the three of them decided to take a brake and eat something. “C’mon, eat something with us!” “Oh no, no thanks! I’ll pass.” Misophonia calling… I got away frome their eating…

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 I got the phone call. It was the time for me to go home…

I left them there. Buy! Until the next time…

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Author Description

I love photography and learning about it. I'll try and fail that's for sure, but sometimes, I hope, I'll do good. As for the Misophonia part of the blog, I'll write honestly about my experiences and feelings, trying to help myself and others who feel the same way as I do and maybe to raise some awareness about this condition. All written here is just and only my opinion.

2 Responses to “Just a bit of fly fishing”

  1. Patrick Bingbang February 13, 2014 - Reply

    Well done and nice sequencing :-)

    • mmaria February 14, 2014 - Reply

      Oh Patrick, I was so concerned over the bad weather and lack of time that it’s good that I got even this.

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