Brussels… first impressions

Brussels… first impressions

Remember how excited I was about going on a business trip to Brussels? Never mind if you don’t, I remember and what can I say about it is that I’m very sorry for being there for such a short time. 4 days is just not enough!

Should I really emphasize that all written here is just my opinion and my impressions of Brussels?

Our schedule was very tight, there were not much of free time for me to go and walk slowly, enjoying the city and  taking some shots. But I must mention, because I met with Patrick the second day there, I think I saw plenty of Brussels for the time I had available. Thank you Patrick! (I met Patrick online, trough a forum and trough our blogs) 

Brussels turned out to be everything I expected and more, in a positive sense.

Our hotel was in a nice place and nice part of the town. We could go by foot to the part of the town where my seminar was held. The first morning and the first walking down the streets and the first impression was really about their garbage bags left on the streets. Streets were clean, don’t get me wrong, but everywhere on pavements there were white garbage bags, and a container every here and there (which is perfectly normal, those bags aren’t something usual).

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Did I mention that I’ve seen some really great graffiti or street art or how ever you call it. I’ll be posting some more photos so you can see what I’m talking about.

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My head was just going left to right, up and down. I was looking at buildings, doors, windows, details that would say “Belgium” to me… but really, the most prominent thing I saw after maybe 10 minutes of walking (that image is stuck in my head forever)  was a piece of Belgium’s butt!

Yes, a butt as an ass! No, I didn’t take a picture of it!

Because I like doors I always pay special attention on those that are interesting so… we were walking by a house and in the same moment a mom with two children was leaving their house. I turned my head out of curiosity to see how an inside of the house look (don’t judge me!) and my reward for peaking in someone’s house was seeing a man’s ass! A naked men was walking trough their hallway. Luckily he wasn’t turned towards me so all I saw was his  ass! Actually that’s all I’ve seen from a Belgium’s house interior! 

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I wore heels. Completely wrong choice if you ever go to Brussels! Their streets aren’t straight , they’re slightly up and down and it’s not asphalt always, it’s… some thing I don’t know English word for it but you’re able to see what I’m thinking of in this photo above. If you know the proper English word for that, please let me know.  Smartly, I brought just heels and boots with heels so, even in my free time while I was hurrying to see more I was walking in those. Can’t describe how painful was that!

All of the sudden we stepped into another story. I was surprised by the rough transition between modern and old. Modern, business buildings, glass and metal… Because I like old buildings with a character…  me no likey modern…

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And here I am. I gave the camera to one of my colleagues to snap a picture of me. After some time of explaining how stuff works and he being completely confused, he actually took a decent photo. I have to say that I was exhausted!  And… I still don’t like to be on this side of the camera.

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The seminar was in Jacques Delors Building. I think I have  my own photo of that building, but until I find it you can click on the link and see it.

 I ‘ll be showing you this one, inside of that building, before we even started I snapped a photo. 

I edited photos of the seminar shortly after coming back home. I won’t be exaggerating when I say that those photographs were the most annoying I’ve ever edited. WB was just off and impossible to fix it. There were so much of mixed light there! There were daylight, tungsten and fluorescent light. A nightmare to find white and black point.  Finally I gave up and finished it the way it is now. It’s over processed, and has wb issues but fine, I’ll let it be, I don’t have any patience left for editing more! 


After the seminar we went back to the hotel and immediately with a few other girls decided to go to Hard Rock Cafe for a dinner.

Author Description

I love photography and learning about it. I'll try and fail that's for sure, but sometimes, I hope, I'll do good. As for the Misophonia part of the blog, I'll write honestly about my experiences and feelings, trying to help myself and others who feel the same way as I do and maybe to raise some awareness about this condition. All written here is just and only my opinion.

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