Sounds of a Shutter

The Sounds of  Shutter blog came out of my need to write, to say some things out loud. I’m not sure about the concept yet, but I’ll figure it as the time passes by.

One thing I know though, I’m not going to write about definitions, rules, know hows in photography / Photoshop and other pointers you can find easily anywhere on the net. Some of the guidance you’ll find here for sure but things I want and can offer you are my experiences, my points of view, my mistakes and what has worked for me so far. I always try to be as practical as I can be and to explain as simple as I need to in order to be understood by people who have no much time for trying to figure my not so good English.

I’m not a pro as you can see and don’t listen to me. You’ve been warned.

The truth is that I don’t know much because the more I learn the more I realize how little I know. That small amount of my knowledge I’ll share here. If you’re just starting, maybe you’ll dig something new. If you’ve already know everything then help me please.

If you want to read something about the available photography gear, rules of composition, exposure, what is ISO, what is the difference between full frame and cropped sensor etc. there are definitely much better places for learning about those. Of course, I will mention those terms but I wont go into details. I’ll just assume that you understand that side of photography. But saying this all doesn’t mean that you can’t ask me. Feel free to ask me anything and if I know the answer I’ll be happy to help.

Here you’ll also find crappy photos I took as an example of what can one do wrong. I feel there’s no many photographers out there who are happy to share their mistakes. Remember, no one was born with the instant knowledge.

If you want to learn about Misophonia, again, there are much better places for informing yourself in details. Here you’ll find stories about my life with Misophonia and you are more then welcome to come and share your experiences. It will be tremendously helpful to each of us.

As you have already figured it out I brought together two completely unrelated areas, photography and Misophonia. That certainly applies to wast majority of people but that’s not the case with me. Both are present daily in my life and both have a huge affect on me and people around me. Misophonia became a part of my life much earlier then photography was. I feel I could simply just say that Misophonia erodes my life quality and photography enriches it.

The “sounds of shutter” title is pretty clear now, isn’t it? No… I thought so…

The title of this blog carries lots of meanings and I understand how they’re not clear to you. To people who are familiar with Misophonia the title is comprehensive and simple, but you’ll have to read a word or two about this strange word in order to understand.

I came up with the title after 15 minutes thinking about it. I needed a simple, clear bond between these two areas. Sounds are clear enough but a shutter can be interpreted in few ways. It can be a camera shutter but it also can be a window shutter, door shutter or else.

With the sounds of shutter you can hear that exciting sound every time you press a camera shutter and I can hear it too.

Just, for me, on the other hand, there is an impossible desire to close all other shutters available in order to stop some sounds come to me.

And… for starting this blog I have to thank three person.

Thank you Leonore! I hope you realize how much you helped me. She is   A Modern Day Dinosaur

Thank you Lew for noticing my presence in photography!

I thank both of you for your unintentional and unconsciousness push on this path!

Thank you Hellas for your tremendous IT help! Without you, my wishes wouldn’t be alive.