Misophonia when stressed out

I’ve been very busy at my work lately so I haven’t been around here as much as I wanted to be. There was always something going on and I couldn’t manage to have some time for myself. I need some time for myself. I needed a piece of quietness. I needed a piece of  peace but I couldn’t get it on work or home these past few days. So yes,…

Proper attitude when learning

When I put myself in the position of a teacher, meaning that I am willing to share my humble knowledge  about photography and help someone in their learning process, I come across three different attitudes, let’s say, from the people who want to learn. First kind of attitude actually can’t be called as an attitude at all. It’s about learning on forums. People post their photographs for someone to critique them. To them, having…

Highly sensitive

Reading about Misophonia and experiences of other people made me realize that I’m not alone in my “refined” sensitivity. There are many of us, actually, there are majority of us, it seems, being highly sensitive. You’ll forgive me for using two terms here, oversensitive and highly sensitive. I find myself in both of those but then again, I’m not exactly everything that comes with those terms, like anyone else isn’t…

At a conference

I’ve already mentioned that I was suppose to attend a conference, but it got delayed. I wrote about that in Business trip post. Well I came back from that conference last night and here are my impressions. The organization of this 3 day long conference was really good. I was pleased with the room I got (a nice quiet room, considering the fact that I slept like a baby and…

Do your best with what you have!

Do your best with what you have!

I don’t know what is the first thing that comes trough your mind when you read “Do your best with what you have!” but I’m thinking about the equipment, space and conditions in general. Everything would be great if just everything is great. But that’s not the case at all. Nothing is served, in real life or in photography. Saying that, I also have to mention that yes, occasionally God…

Being a Miso mom

Being a Miso mom

I’m a mother of two children, a 3 year old girl and a 20 months old boy. I don’t need to explain how much I love my children. This is not about explaining how I feel about them. They’re my Sun, my Earth and my home. They’re my everything. It’s not easy to mention them here. They don’t belong to this section of my blog. No! This is “who knows…

Self portraits struggle

So, this got me thinking about my real trouble with selfportraits. I knew what my real troubles are but honestly, didn’t think that anybody else would have similar issues. Everyone seems fine with selfies. I asked two photographers I really like, about their selfies. They had completely different approaches and they work is completely different, however both of them care about the things that really matters in photography, and I…

Yes, the Earplugs!

Yes, the Earplugs!

I wanted to write about the earplugs for quite some time but I was waiting to take a shot of those earplugs I have at home… However, I haven’t taken a single shot of them, I’ll do that later. It doesn’t matter that much. Suzanne commented on the post What it really feels like few days ago. She wanted to give me some advice: “I am 55 and have live this my…

Just a bit of fly fishing

Just a bit of fly fishing

Again, I had 2-3 hours free time during this Saturday. Of course, I went for a photo walk, but before  I started the car and I decided to call my husband to see where exactly he was (he, of course, was somewhere fishing) … maybe I could take a photo or two. He told me that they were just preparing to go on the other place but if I wish…

Growing up with Miso

Growing up with Miso

I really can’t remember when my Misophonia started. Others seem to start experiencing it during the puberty. I just can’t remember. All I remember were sleepless nights and that characteristic awful feel of uncontrolled rage. I slept in a room next to my brother’s room and there was some decent space between mine and my parents room. I used to wake up in the middle of the night hearing my…