Author Archives: mmaria

Real life for some

Real life for some

  This photograph is one of my favorites so far. I hope I succeeded to tell the story about this boy.  Did I? Some photographs demand spending some time with them and truly seeing what is going on there. This is one of those photos. Every part of the photo tells the story about this boy. Where does he live? How does he live? Can you just for a second…

The naked truth about me

The naked truth about me

I want you to read my blog and come again, I want to get to know more people, but I feel obligated to tell you more about me. You need to know some things about me before you decide to spend some time here with me. That’s only fair. This is not a try at justifying myself for my behavior, actions, or my grimly look. I can’t do that, either…

No way he’s eating like this!

No way he’s eating like this!

  I got the job three months ago and it’s much better then the one I had before this one. I’m satisfied. One of the things that’s better on the new job is that I’m in the office with an intern. On my last job I shared office with three people. Women in her thirties. We didn’t match because we were so different. We get along and that’s it. In…

A part of me. Isn’t it?

A part of me. Isn’t it?

Not so long ago I sent a membership request to Sound Sensitivity support group. I found  in my Inbox their acceptance this morning and went there to check it out. Well it’s not easy to menage their message board. Need some time to figure it out. Anyway, someone posted a PDF, article about Misophonia and I’ve read it. Don’t quite follow it I must admit. This is just overwhelming for me….

Think, Color 2

Think, Color 2

So, I’ve been criticized for not posting enough examples and not explaining more about subject I wrote about, color particularly. That’s why I went for a walk the other day, looking for color I decided that the part 2 will be the simplest it can be. It was a dull weather and dull scenery. Winter is nothing like the real winter we used to. It’s like a depressed fall here. I…

Think, Color 1

Think, Color 1

As everything I’m writing here, this would be also simple. First and foremost, there are many useful tips, articles, even videos on the net related to the color , just Google it and you’ll find enormous amount of knowledge there. Maybe it will be overwhelming for someone who’is just starting to see colors in photography but nevertheless color is a must know if you want to improve yourself. Information you…

Self portraits

Self portraits

Taking self portraits is difficult for me, in a sense that I’m not being comfortable in front of the camera. I actually don’t have many photos with me being on them, and none of them are decent enough to call them successful at any means. So, I have to do something if I want my children to remember what I was like when they grow up.  I took this selfie-avatar recently. It…

My 6D is here

My 6D is here

My 6D  has just arrived. It was on a long journey and finally come to me. It’s my first upgrade actually and a great one too. It feels so comfortable holding it in one hand and settings are on good places, I’m saying all this because my hands are experiencing huge body/settings difference between my Oly and my 6D. Would you believe me if I tel you that I can’t…

Got in and out, Stock Photography

Got in and out, Stock Photography

Since this is a blog about my photography path and experience I need to mention my stock experience. I was starting to learn about food photography. Somewhere along came stock photography. A friend asked me why not to try it. I like challenges and I was sort of stuck in the house. I thought, yeah, why not, have nothing to lose. I had a camera and food in the house,…